• IEEE 1717-2012

IEEE 1717-2012

IEEE Standard for Testing Circuit Integrity Cables Using a Hydrocarbon Pool Fire Test Protocol

IEEE , 03/12/2012

Publisher: IEEE

File Format: PDF


This standard provides cable and/or system requirements and methods for performing circuit integrity tests on energized low voltage power, control, and instrumentation cables at temperatures and heat fluxes simulating a hydrocarbon pool fire. The purpose of the document is to provide circuit integrity test methodology and performance requirements for cables and/or cable systems which may be subjected to a hydrocarbon pool fire. This protocol may be useful when selecting cables for applications where circuit integrity is critical to plant shutdown under hydrocarbon fire conditions. It can also be a useful tool in the development of technology to design cables that maintain circuit integrity during such a fire. New IEEE Standard - Inactive-Reserved. Standardization of circuit integrity cable testing is beneficial to cable manufacturers, distributors, and users. Uniform procedures, consistent, repeatable results, and measurable test acceptance criteria are required to allow comparisons among competing products and to allow selection of the correct product for the application.

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