• IEEE 18-2002

IEEE 18-2002

IEEE Standard for Shunt Power Capacitors

IEEE , 10/14/2002

Publisher: IEEE

File Format: PDF


This standard applies to capacitors rated 216V or higher, 2.5 kvar or more, and designed for shunt connection to alternating current transmission and distribution systems operating at a nominal frequency of 50 or 60 Hz. To revise std 18 as appropriate to better coincide with other national and international standards. The main areas that the group will concentrate on will include the evaluation of several unit ratings covered by std 18 to coincide with NEMA stds, evaluation of internal discharge device to coincide with IEC stds, and the evaluation of various portions of the section covering application and operation of shunt power capacitors to coordinate with IEEE std. 1036. Revision Standard - Superseded. Capacitors rated 216 V or higher, 2.5 kvar or more, and designed for shunt connection toalternating-current transmission and distribution systems operating at a nominal frequency of 50 Hzor 60 Hz, within the guidelines of IEEE Std 1036-1992, are considered.

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