IEEE 1888.2-2014

IEEE Standard for Ubiquitous Green Community Control Network: Heterogeneous Networks Convergence and Scalability

IEEE , 05/30/2014

Publisher: IEEE

File Format: PDF


IEEE 1888.2-2014 PDF

Based on the protocol defined in IEEE Std 1888(TM), IEEE Standard for Ubiquitous Green Community Control Network Protocol, this standard extends component and data type definitions, message formats, and communication procedures for heterogeneous network convergence and scalability. This standard also describes heterogeneous networks interconnection issues and requirements. Also, this standard specifies system architecture and solutions to improve heterogeneous networks convergence and scalability while offering system robustness and supplying better performance in system operation and management. This standard describes the standard criteria for network convergence and scalability that enhances the Ubiquitous Green Community Control Network (UGCCNet) heterogeneous networks interconnection. This standard provides enhanced efficiency, flexibility, and scalability to construct a secure, manageable, and compatible system. New IEEE Standard - Active. This standard describes heterogeneous networks convergence and scalability, specifies the requirements of network convergence, extends the system architecture defined in IEEE Std 1888(TM), IEEE Standard for Ubiquitous Green Community Control Network Protocol, with two new IEEE 1888(TM) Components, i.e., the reconfigurable resolution server (RRS) and the intelligent application resolver (IAR), and generalizes primitive data type expressions and explicit field-bus data type management in IEEE 1888 systems. This standard enables IEEE 1888 systems to interoperate with heterogeneous access networks efficiently and improves the efficiency, flexibility, scalability and manageability of IEEE 1888 systems.

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