• IEEE 2668-2022

IEEE 2668-2022

IEEE Standard for Maturity Index of the Internet of Things--Evaluation, Grading, and Ranking

IEEE , 12/22/2023

Publisher: IEEE

File Format: PDF


IEEE 2668-2022 PDF

The scope of this standard is to measure the maturity of objects in the Internet-of-things (IoT ) environment, namely IoT objects. IoT objects shall represent things or devices or the entire system. This standard defines the mechanism and specifications for evaluation, grading, and ranking of the performance of IoT objects by using indicator values, referred as IoT index (IDex). IDex shall classify the objects into multiple levels of performance and give a quantitative representation and indication of the performance of objects. IDex shall manifest guidance on the blending of IoT objects to evolve as improved performance. This standard provides an objective, unique, transparent, and trustworthy measurement and indication of IoT objects pertinent to their performances. IDex consists of five levels and grades and classifies IoT objects, and it provides quantitative and trustworthy value to users and consumers who may then make decisions on the usage, adoption, and promotion of IoT objects. The establishment of IDex shall proliferate a rapid, positive, and mature progression of the IoT industry. New IEEE Standard - Active. The maturity index of Internet-of-things (IoT ), referred to as IDex, is defined in this standard. The formats for 1) the IDex and 2) the IDex database and the IDex evaluation model database are specified. The general mechanism of the IDex evaluation is defined as pertinent to the applications and technical fields of the IoT objects to be evaluated. The IDex can be applied to IoT devices, networks, applications, algorithms, hardware, software, systems, and infrastructure. With slight modifications, the IDex can be extended to evaluate objects and infrastructure in various services, such as smart city services.

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