IEEE 487.1-2014

IEEE Standard for the Electrical Protection of Communication Facilities Serving Electric Supply Locations Through the Use of On-Grid Isolation Equipment

IEEE , 11/07/2014

Publisher: IEEE

File Format: PDF


IEEE 487.1-2014 PDF

This standard presents engineering design procedures for the electrical protection of metallic wire-line telecommunication facilities serving electric supply locations through the use of on-grid isolation equipment. Other telecommunication alternatives, such as radio and microwave systems, are excluded from this document. This standard presents workable methods that shall be used with greater reliability to improve the electrical protection of metallic wire-line telecommunication facilities serving electric supply locations through the use of on-grid isolation equipment. New IEEE Standard - Active. Workable methods for protecting wire-line telecommunication circuits entering electric supply locations are presented. The electric supply location environment; protection apparatus; service types, reliability, service performance objective classifications, and transmission considerations; protection theory and philosophy; protection configurations; installation and inspection; and safety are covered in this document.

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