• IEEE 62.2-2004

IEEE 62.2-2004

IEEE Guide for Diagnostic Field Testing of Electric Power Apparatus - Electrical Machinery

IEEE , 06/08/2005

Publisher: IEEE

File Format: PDF


IEEE 62.2-2004 PDF

This is a guide for determining applicable tests and inspection techniques for various types of large rotating electric machines. It provides short discussions relating to the capabilities and limitations of each test, typical test procedures and in some cases, how to interpret the expected range of results. This is to be a companion document to P62 Part 1-1995. This guide is intended to assist maintenance personnel in determining what diagnostic tests should be planned for their rotating electrical machines, what should be expected of the tests and in general, how to perform the tests. This guide brings together all commonly performed appropriate tests for electrical machines in one document and references other individual standards so more detailed information may be attained. New IEEE Standard - Inactive-Reserved. This is a guide for determining applicable tests and inspection techniques for various types of large rotating electric machines. It provides short discussions relating to the capabilities and limitations of each test, typical test procedures and in some cases, how to interpret the expected range of results. This is to be a companion document to P62 Part 1-1995.

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