• IEEE 829-1998

IEEE 829-1998

IEEE Standard for Software Test Documentation

IEEE , 12/16/1998

Publisher: IEEE

File Format: PDF


The standard covers the development and use of software test documentaiton. It defines the format, contents and use of such documentation. (1983) The standard describes a set of basic test documents which are associated with the dynamic aspects of testing (that is, the execution of procedures and code). The standard defines the purpose, outline and contest of each basic document. The standard does not call for specific testing methodologies, approaches, techniques, facilities, or tools, and does not specirfy the documentation of their use. (1997) In addition a correlation between the content of software test documentation as defined in 829 and the content of such documentation as defined in IEEE 12207.1, will be added as an annex which will correlate the assumptions relating to content of the two documents and trace content between subject. To achieve harmonization of the content definition for software life cycle process results among the IEEE software engineering standards and with related international standards. This will help users to produce results consistent with the international standard for software life cycle processes, ISO/IEC 12207. The current capability of 829 may be used to meet requirements in the following clauses of ISO 9001: 4.10, Inspection and testing; and 4.12, Inspection and testing status. Revision Standard - Superseded. Superseded by IEEE Std 829-2008. A set of basic software test documents is described. This standard speciÞes the form and content of individual test documents. It does not specify the required set of test documents.

IEEE 829-1998 History

IEEE 829-2008

IEEE 829-2008

$86.00 $172.00

IEEE 829-1998

IEEE 829-1998

$70.00 $141.00

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