• IEEE 9274.1.1-2023

IEEE 9274.1.1-2023

IEEE Standard for Learning Technology--JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) Data Model Format and Representational State Transfer (RESTful) Web Service for Learner Experience Data Tracking and Access

IEEE , 10/06/2023

Publisher: IEEE

File Format: PDF


IEEE 9274.1.1-2023 PDF

This Standard describes a JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) data model format and a Representational State Transfer (RESTful) Web Service Application Programming Interface (API) for communication between Activities experienced by an individual, group, or other entity and a Learning Record Store (LRS). The LRS is a system that exposes the xAPI RESTful Web Service API for the purpose of tracking and accessing experiential data, especially in learning and human performance. The purpose of this Standard is to provide an interoperable means to store and retrieve learning experience data as required by modern, data-intensive learning technologies. New IEEE Standard - Active. This standard is a collaborative effort to improve and standardize the 1.0.3 version Experience Application Programming Interface (xAPI) specification. This Standard describes a JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) data model format and a Representational State Transfer (RESTful) Web Service Application Programming Interface (API) for communication between Activities experienced by an individual, group, or other entity and a Learning Record Store (LRS). The LRS is a system that exposes the RESTful Web Service API for the purpose of tracking and accessing experiential data, especially in learning and human performance.

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