• IEEE 951-1996

IEEE 951-1996

IEEE Guide to the Assembly and Erection of Metal Transmission Structures

IEEE , 03/28/1997

Publisher: IEEE

File Format: PDF


This guide presents various approaches of good practice which will improve the ability to assemble and erect self-supporting and guyed steel or aluminum lattice and tubular steel structures. This guide covers construction aspects after foundation installation and up to the conductor stringing operation. The purpose of this guide is to present in one document design and construction considerations for material delivery, assembly and erection of structures and the installation of insulators and hardware. Revision Standard - Inactive-Reserved. Various good practices that will enable users to improve their ability to assemble and erect self-supporting and guyed steel or aluminum lattice and tubular steel structures are presented. Construction considerations after foundation installation, and up to the conductor stringing operation, are also covered. The guide focuses on the design and construction considerations for material delivery, assembly and erection of metal transmission structures, and the installation of insulators and hardware. This guide is intended to be used as a reference source for parties involved in the ownership, design, and construction of transmission structures.

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