IEEE C37.118.1-2011

IEEE Standard for Synchrophasor Measurements for Power Systems

IEEE , 12/28/2011

Publisher: IEEE

File Format: PDF


This standard is for synchronized phasor measurement systems in power systems. It defines a synchronized phasor (synchrophasor), frequency, and rate of change of frequency (ROCOF) measurements. It describes time tag and synchronization requirements for measurement of all three of these quantities. It specifies methods for evaluating these measurements and requirements for compliance with the standard under both static and dynamic conditions. It defines a phasor measurement unit (PMU), which can be a stand-alone physical unit or a functional unit within another physical unit. This standard does not specify hardware, software, or a method for computing phasors, frequency, or ROCOF. This standard defines synchronized phasor and frequency measurements in substations along with methods and requirements for measurement verification. Measurements compliant with the standard and taken at various locations in the power system can be readily and accurately combined for power system analysis and operations. Time tag and other essential associations are also described to facilitate communication and reliable data application. Communication and recording of phasor measurements are covered in other standards, such as the companion standard IEEE Std C37.118.2-2011. Revision Standard - Superseded. Synchronized phasor (synchrophasor) measurements for power systems are presented. This standard defines synchrophasors, frequency, and rate of change of frequency (ROCOF) measurement under all operating conditions. It specifies methods for evaluating these measurements and requirements for compliance with the standard under both steady-state and dynamic conditions. Time tag and synchronization requirements are included. Performance requirements are confirmed with a reference model, provided in detail. This document defines a phasor measurement unit (PMU), which can be a stand-alone physical unit or a functional unit within another physical unit. This standard does not specify hardware, software, or a method for computing phasors, frequency, or ROCOF.

IEEE C37.118.1-2011 History

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