IEEE C37.20.10-2016

IEEE Standard Definitions for AC (52 kV and below)and DC (3.2 kV and below) Switchgear Assemblies

IEEE , 11/11/2016

Publisher: IEEE

File Format: PDF


IEEE C37.20.10-2016 PDF

The terms and definitions in this standard are intended to encompass the products within the scope of ac (38 kV and below for air-insulated equipment, 52V kV and below for gas-insulated equipment) and dc (3.2 kV and below) power switchgear assemblies for switching, interrupting, metering, protection, and regulating purposes as used primarily in connection with generation, transmission, distribution, and conversion of electric power. The definitions of terms and explanatory notes relating there to contained in this standard are not intended to encompass all possible meanings of the terms. They are intended for the sole purpose of establishing only those meanings of terms used in standards for switchgear assemblies. They do not purport to encompass other meanings that the terms may properly have when used in connection with other subjects. In some instances, terms and definitions that are not identical to those in this standard have been developed by other branches of industry. Where this situation exists, the definitions in this standard shall be used for power switchgear assemblies covered by the C37 series of standards. New IEEE Standard - Active. Terms and definitions encompassing the products within the scope of ac (38 kV and below for air insulated equipment, 52 kV and below for gas insulated equipment) and dc (3.2 kV and below) power switchgear assemblies, including components for switching, interrupting, metering, protection, and regulating purposes as used primarily in connection with generation, transmission, distribution, and conversion of electric power are included in this standard.

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