• IEEE C37.73-1998

IEEE C37.73-1998

IEEE Standard Requirements for Pad-Mounted Fused Switchgear

IEEE , 09/03/1998

Publisher: IEEE

File Format: PDF


This standard applies to 60 Hz pad mounted, fused load interrupting switches with maximum ratings of 600A and 38 kV, and utilizing separable insulated connectors. The purpose of this project is to develop a requirements standard for pad-mounted, fused, load interrupting devices utilizing separable insulated connectors. New IEEE Standard - Superseded. Requirements for assemblies of single-phase and three-phase, dead-front and live-front,pad-mounted, load-interrupter switches with expulsion, current-limiting, and other types of fuses in enclosures up to 38 kV rated maximum voltage are given. Definitions are given, and service conditions and ratings are discussed. Design tests, production tests, and construction requirements are included.

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