• IEEE C37.98-2023

IEEE C37.98-2023

IEEE Standard for Seismic Qualification Testing of Protective Relays and Auxiliaries for Nuclear Facilities

IEEE , 09/08/2023

Publisher: IEEE

File Format: PDF


IEEE C37.98-2023 PDF

This standard specifies test methods and conditions to be used in the seismic qualification testing of protective relays and auxiliaries such as test and control switches, terminal blocks, and indicating lamps for use in nuclear facilities.

The purpose of this standard is to establish test methods and conditions for determining the seismic capability and to demonstrate seismic qualification of protective relays and auxiliaries specified in IEEE Std C37.105™. The prerequisites for the qualification testing are defined in IEEE Std C37.105. These test methods are divided into three main categories, as described in IEC/IEEE 60980-344: fragility, proof, and generic testing.

To define the specific conditions for seismic testing of protective relays, the following parameters shall be specified: a) The settings and electrical inputs to the protective relay and auxiliaries, and other pertinent information as detailed in this standard required to define its condition during the test b) The unintentional change in state, contact chatter, deviation in operating conditions, tolerances, or other change in performance of the relay that constitutes failure c) The seismic levels (required response spectra) to be imposed during the test This standard provides guidance to establish the test parameters listed above, to determine seismic capacity, and to demonstrate the ability of protective relays and auxiliaries to perform their safety function during and/or after the specified seismic motion. In addition, this standard provides the requirements for documenting the necessary seismic qualification of protective relays and auxiliaries.

Revision Standard - Active. The methods and conditions for seismic qualification of protective relays and auxiliaries such as test and control switches, terminal blocks, and indicating lamps for use in nuclear facilities are described in this standard. The primary intent of this standard is to focus on fragility testing and seismic qualification, also known as proof testing (either to generic levels or specific levels). Relays used in nuclear facilities are covered in this standard, but it may also be applied to any area in which the seismic response of relays is a design consideration. The prerequisites for the seismic test are defined in IEEE Std C37.105™.

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