• IEEE C62.92.1-2000

IEEE C62.92.1-2000

IEEE Guide for the Application of Neutral Grounding in Electrical Utility Systems, Part 1 - Introduction

IEEE , 03/30/2001

Publisher: IEEE

File Format: PDF


This guide is intended for application to three-phase electrical utility systems. This is Part I of the five-part IEEE C62.92 series. This part provides definitions and considerations that are general to all types of electrical utility systems. The remaining four parts provide specific guidance on synchronous generator systems (IEEE Std C62.92.2-1989), generating station auxiliary systems (IEEE Std C62.92.3-1993), distribution systems (IEEE Std C62.92.4-1991), and transmission and subtransmission systems (IEEE Std C62.92.5-1992). This guide presents basic considerations for the selection of neutral grounding parameters that will provide for the control of overvoltage and ground-fault current on all parts of three-phase electrical utility systems. Revision Standard - Superseded. This guide is the introduction to the C62.92 series of five IEEE guides on neutral grounding in three-phase electrical utility systems. It provides system grounding definitions and considerations that are general to all types of electrical utility systems.

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