IEEE C95.1-2005

IEEE Standard for Safety Levels with Respect to Human Exposure to Radio Frequency Electromagnetic Fields, 3 kHz to 300 GHz

IEEE , 04/19/2006

Publisher: IEEE

File Format: PDF


Recommendations are made to protect against established adverse health effects in human beings associated with exposure to electric, magnetic and electromagnetic fields in the frequency range of 3 kHz to 300 GHz. The recommendations are expressed in terms of basic restrictions (BRs) and maximum permissible exposure (MPE) values. The BRs are limits on internal fields, specific absorption rate (SAR), and current density; the MPEs, which are derived from the BRs, are limits on external fields and induced and contact current. The recommendations, which protect against effects associated with electrostimulation and tissue and wholebody heating, are intended to apply to all human exposures except for exposure of patients by, or under the direction of, physicians and medical professionals. These recommendations are not intended for the purpose of preventing interference with medical and other devices that may exhibit susceptibility to radio frequency (RF) fields. The recommendations at 300 GHz are compatible with existing recommendations for safe exposure in the infrared frequency range, which begins at 300 GHz, cf., ANSI Z136.1-2000 [B7]1, ICNIRP guidelines [B63], and IEC 60825-1 [B65]. IEEE Std C95.6-20022 is the applicable standard for use at frequencies below 3 kHz. The purpose of this standard is to provide exposure limits to protect against established adverse effects to human health induced by exposure to RF electric, magnetic and electromagnetic fields over the frequency range of 3 kHz to 300 GHz. Revision Standard - Superseded. Recommendations to protect against harmful effects in human beings exposed to electromagnetic fields in the frequency range from 3 kHz to 300 GHz are provided in this standard. These recommendations are intended to apply in controlled environments and for general population exposure. These recommendations are not intended to apply to the exposure of patients by or under the direction of physicians and medical professionals.

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