IEEE C95.3.1-2010

IEEE Recommended Practice for Measurements and Computations of Electric, Magnetic, and Electromagnetic Fields with Respect to Human Exposure to Such Fields, 0 Hz to 100 kHz

IEEE , 05/14/2010

Publisher: IEEE

File Format: PDF


This recommended practice describes 1) methods for measuring external electric and magnetic fields and contact currents to which persons may be exposed, 2) instrument characteristics and the methods for calibrating such instruments, and 3) methods for computation and the measurement of the resulting fields and currents that are induced in bodies of humans exposed to these fields. This recommended practice is applicable over the frequency range of 0 Hz to100 kHz. The purpose of this recommended practice is to describe preferred measurement techniques and computational methods that can be used to ascertain compliance with contemporary standards for human exposure to electric and magnetic fields in the frequency range of 0 Hz to 100 kHz such as IEEE Std C95.1™-2005, IEEE Std C95.6™-2002, and similar standards. This document is intended primarily for use by engineers, biophysicists, and other specialists who are familiar with basic electromagnetic (EM) field theory and practice, and the potential hazards associated with exposure to EM fields. It will also be useful to bioeffects researchers, instrument developers and manufacturers, those developing calibration systems and standards, and individuals involved in critical hazard assessments or surveys. New IEEE Standard - Inactive-Reserved. Techniques and instrumentation for the measurement and computation of electric, magnetic, and electromagnetic (EM) fields in the near field of an EM field source are presented in this recommended practice. Descriptions of the concepts, techniques, and instruments that can be applied to the measurement of the electric and magnetic fields and the currents induced in the human body by these fields are provided. Techniques for determining the current density and the electric field strength within the human body are discussed. This recommended practice is intended primarily for use by engineers, biophysicists, and other specialists who are familiar with basic EM field theory and practice, and the potential hazards associated with EM fields. It will be most useful to bio-effects researchers, instrumentation developers and manufacturers, those developing calibration systems and standards, and persons involved in critical hazard assessments or hazard surveys.

IEEE C95.3.1-2010 History

IEEE C95.3.1-2010

IEEE C95.3.1-2010

$75.00 $150.00

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IEEE C95.3-2002

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