• IEEE N42.44-2008

IEEE N42.44-2008

American National Standard for the Performance of Checkpoint Cabinet X-Ray Imaging Security Systems

IEEE , 11/04/2008

Publisher: IEEE

File Format: PDF


IEEE N42.44-2008 PDF

This document establishes standards for the technical performance of cabinet x-ray imaging systems used for screening at security checkpoints and other inspection venues. Included are all x-ray systems designed primarily for the inspection of baggage at airline, railroad, and bus terminals, and in similar facilities. An xray tube used within a shielded part of a building, or x-ray equipment that may temporarily or occasionally incorporate portable shielding, is not considered to be a cabinet x-ray system. contraband materials, as well as to verify manifests (to determine that the contents of a package are what they are purported to be). For these applications, this standard is intended to provide procurers and/or prospective users of checkpoint x-ray systems with: test methods that facilitate performance comparisons among systems, and the minimum acceptable imaging-performance requirements. These values are achievable in the current state of the art of production checkpoint x-ray systems. Additionally, a variety of factors essential for the safe operation of checkpoint x-ray systems are assembled and standardized in this document. While it appears logical that better imaging performance will result in better screening performance, the user is cautioned that the correlation between specific imaging-performance metrics and detection performance has not been established on a strict scientific basis. In addition, there may be trade-offs among imaging-performance parameters. For example, higher penetration may result in decreased contrast sensitivity. Consequently, users are encouraged to evaluate candidate checkpoint x-ray systems against their specific requirements whenever possible, and especially in cases in which the application is atypical. The tests specified in this standard may be used for type testing. Type tests are intended to demonstrate that production systems made according to a specific design meet defined performance criteria. New IEEE Standard - Active. Standards for the technical performance of cabinet x-ray imaging systems used for screening at security checkpoints and other inspection venues are established by this document.

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