IES RP-37-22

Recommended Practice: Lighting Airport Outdoor Environments

Illuminating Engineering Society , 09/28/2022

Publisher: IES

File Format: PDF


ANSI/IES RP-37-22, Recommended Practice: Outdoor Lighting for Airport Environments is a guide for the planning and design of lighting systems in the entire airport outdoor environment. It has been prepared as a guide for the application of fixed outdoor lighting in
and around the airport environment with respect to the airport’s special requirements. These requirements include (but are not limited to):
• Height restrictions (such as obstructions affecting navigable airspace) as defined by the governing civil aviation authorities
• The ability to distinguish color of light for visual cues
• Prevention of light trespass that may interfere with the vision of pilots or air traffic control tower (ATCT) personnel
• Air traffic controllers’ ability to see approaching aircraft and aircraft performing ground operations within the “aircraft movement area” without glare or direct or indirect light trespass
• Pilots’ ability to detect runway lighting without glare or direct or indirect light trespass

ANSI/IES RP-37-22 provides guidance for dealing with the preceding considerations, while being cognizant of the need to provide an adequate and safe lighted environment for aircraft servicing and for pedestrian and vehicular movement in and around the airport environment.

This document is not intended to supersede any civil aviation regulations, government regulations, occupational safety and health requirements, or the authority having jurisdiction.

Other IES standards provide recommendations and design guidelines for specific outdoor lighting applications. This document is not intended to supersede these other applicable IES RPs; rather, it is intended to supplement them to meet the specific needs of the airport environment.

This Recommended Practice (RP) is to be used in conjunction with appropriate energy codes and environmental sustainable design practices in use for the facility. Recommendations within the appropriate sections are included for basic information to provide guidance as to the key issues for consideration.

IES RP-37-22 History

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