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Illuminating Engineering Society , 07/31/2022
Publisher: IES
File Format: PDF
The purpose of this Recommended Practice (RP) is to provide pedestrian-oriented illumination recommendations for the reassurance, safety, comfort, amenity, and enjoyment of people in outdoor environments in lighting zones LZ-1 through LZ-4. This RP includes recommendations beyond illuminance, which when considered alone is inadequate for addressing the visual needs of pedestrians. Rather, it takes a comprehensive approach and makes recommendations based on lighting zone, glare avoidance, spectrum, and other visually influential conditions. Application of these recommendations will ultimately enhance the visual experience for people, while also respecting the environment.
A number of other IES Recommended Practice publications provide recommendations and design guidelines for specific outdoor lighting applications. This document will reference these various documents when appropriate, augmenting them in subject areas not otherwise addressed.
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