• IN-24-C015 - Measuring Impact: Evaluating Various Thermal Zoning Simplification Methods on Energy Efficiency Measures Analysis

IN-24-C015 - Measuring Impact: Evaluating Various Thermal Zoning Simplification Methods on Energy Efficiency Measures Analysis

ASHRAE , 2024

Publisher: ASHRAE

File Format: PDF


Building Energy Modeling (BEM) is a versatile tool for designing, retrofitting, ensuring code compliance, obtaining certifications, qualifying for incentives, and enabling real-time building control. However, capturing all the details of building geometry for thermal zoning can be time-consuming, costly, and sometimes computationally challenging. As a result, modelers have been applying zoning simplification based on factors such as space functions and internal loads, as well as relying on their experience and judgment while adhering to zoning rules outlined in industry standards. Despite the prevalence of this common practice, a notable gap exists in the literature regarding studies quantifying the influence of simplified thermal zoning on the evaluation of Energy Efficiency Measures (EEMs). Recognizing this gap, this paper seeks to contribute to the field by enhancing the understanding of how the simplification of thermal zoning influences the evaluation of EEMs against a baseline design. The study utilized a medium office prototype model with a detailed floor plan featuring over 20 zones per floor covering diverse functional spaces with varying internal loads and occupancy schedules. A standard thermal zoning strategy outlined in ASHRAE Standard 90.1 Appendix G for core and shell projects was employed as the simplified zoning method. This strategy condenses the zoning into a core zone and four perimeter zones per floor. It was compared with the detailed zoning approach, which involves one zone per space. Common EEMs, such as enhanced envelope, high-efficiency appliances and equipment, and HVAC controls, were individually implemented and evaluated. The results indicate similar energy impacts between the two zoning methods for most of the EEMs evaluated, except supply air temperature reset exhibits a more substantial difference that cannot be overlooked. Additionally, it is essential to conduct a thorough analysis of zone load profiles when implementing advanced HVAC control measures such as static pressure reset, as these profiles are crucial in determining the effective implementation of such measures.

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