• Influence of External Shadings on Convective Heat Transfer Coefficients for a High-Rise Building

Influence of External Shadings on Convective Heat Transfer Coefficients for a High-Rise Building

ASHRAE , 2018

Publisher: ASHRAE

File Format: PDF


This paper investigates the impacts of external shadings on the convective heat transfer rate of a high-rise building. The convective heat transfer coefficient (CHTC) is evaluated using high-resolution 3D computational fluid dynamics simulations. Thus, as the depth of the shading element increases, reduced values of CHTC were obtained. Except at the horizontal edges of the building locally for horizontal shading elements, and at roof level edges for vertical shading elements. For example, for 1 m deep shading element, CHTC value decreased compared to smooth surface by 13%, 22%, and 46% for a horizontal, a vertical, and an egg-crate forms, respectively.

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