• ISA TR84.00.07

ISA TR84.00.07

Guidance on the Evaluation of Fire, Combustible Gas and Toxic Gas System Effectiveness

The International Society of Automation , 08/10/2018

Publisher: ISA

File Format: PDF


This technical report is informative and does not contain any mandatory requirements.

This technical report is intended to be used in conjunction with other good engineering practices applicable to FGS installations. It is not intended to stand alone or be a replacement for applicationspecific practices.

ISA-TR84.00.07 is a derivative of the ANSI/ISA-84.00.01-2004 (IEC 61511 Mod) standard with application to process industries. This technical report is intended to address detection and mitigation of fire, combustible gas, and toxic gas hazards in process areas. Fire detection and mitigation within nonprocess areas is outside the scope of this document .

This technical report is intended to:

• Be used by those with a thorough understanding of ANSI/ISA-84.00.01-2004.

• Clarify the additional information that should be considered when developing a performance - based FGS design. This includes integrating the design activities into relevant portions of the safety life-cycle model.

• Clarify how to define FGS functions within typical FGS designs where automatic action is taken as a result of detection of a fire or gas event.

• Provide example scenario assessments to demonstrate the application of performance-based concepts to the analysis and design of FGSs.

• Demonstrate that any coverage or effectiveness factor below 90% results in an FGS risk reduction factor of less than 10 of the FGS design.

• Offer a performance-based methodology—for facilities using a prescriptive methodology (e.g., API-14C or API 14G) (reference 2.20 and 2.21) to allocate fire and gas detection. The methodology provides considerations for how to improve fire and gas effectiveness . The performance-based design process described in this TR can provide more effective hazard detection and detector placement in cases where fusible plugs (fire) may be needed.

• Define a methodology that addresses the design and effectiveness of FGS mitigative functions that is consistent with the

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