• Managing Industrial Controls

Managing Industrial Controls

The International Society of Automation , 01/01/2014

Publisher: ISA

File Format: PDF


ISBN: 9780876640371

Industrial control groups exist principally in three business areas: facilities that manufacture industrial control equipment, engineering organizations that implement control systems in plants, and plants that use control systems to operate efficiently.This handy reference book is written as a guide to help train industrial control managers and future managers on how to manage control system projects and industrial control groups. The book is divided into three parts. The first part sets the foundation for managers. It looks at organizations and human resources. It also presents an overview of industrial control systems, followed by tools for business development and the establishment of corporate standards to guide the work of industrial control groups in the implementation of industrial control systems.The second part covers three basic topics: first, the assessment of plant needs and a quantified approach to decision making; second, the tools needed by a manager to justify the budgets required to implement industrial control systems; and third, the actual management of industrial control projects from project definition and scheduling to front-end and detailed engineering.The third part covers the post-engineering phases, including equipment installation, check-out, commissioning and start-up, followed by ongoing maintenance activities. The last two chapters in this part cover auditing, which is a tool that a manager needs to identify control system implementation problems and to measure compliance with plant needs.This book is for people who are:

  • Managers of industrial control groups and who need a handy manual for all matters related to industrial controls from a management point of view
  • Now in industrial controls and are looking to become future managers (or supervisors) of industrial control groups Not now in industrial controls but have been given management responsibilities in that field, such as the manager of an electrical engineering department to whom industrial control responsibilities are now part of the job
  • Interested in learning about the management of industrial controls.

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