• OR-20-022 -- Energy Master Planning for Resilient Public Communities--Best Practices from U.S. Military Installations

OR-20-022 -- Energy Master Planning for Resilient Public Communities--Best Practices from U.S. Military Installations

ASHRAE , 2020

Publisher: ASHRAE

File Format: PDF


Until recently, most planners at military installationsaddressed energy systems for new facilities on an individualfacility basis without consideration of community-wide goalsrelevant to energy sources, renewables, storage, or futureenergy generation needs. Building retrofits of public buildingstypically do not address energy needs beyond the minimumcode requirements making it difficult, if not impossible, toachieve community-level targets on a building-by-buildingbasis. Planning on the basis of cost and general reliability mayalso fail to deliver community-level resilience. For example,many building code requirements focus on hardening tospecific threats, but in a multi-building community, only a fewof these buildings may be mission-critical. Over the past twodecades, the frequency and duration of regional power outagesand water utility disruptions from weather, man-made events,and aging infrastructure have increased. Major disruptions ofelectric and thermal energy have degraded critical missioncapabilities and caused significant economic impacts. In 2016,the U.S. Department of Defense issued guidance that eachService (Army, Navy, Air Force, Marines) complete comprehensiveenergy plans for the installations that consumed 75%of total building energy. Guidance was updated in 2017 toinclude metrics for energy resilience, and in some cases, water.This paper describes how community level quantitative andqualitative resilience analysis and metrics have been incorporatedinto community energy and water planning best practicesfor military installations in three geographically diverselocations. It is based on research performed under the InternationalEnergy Agency’s “Energy in Buildings and CommunitiesProgram Annex 73,” focusing on development ofguidelines and tools that support the planning of Net ZeroEnergy Resilient Public Communities as well as researchperformed under the Department of Defense EnvironmentalSecurity Technology Certification Program project EW18-D1-5281, “Technologies Integration to Achieve Resilient, Low-Energy Military Installations.” The first case study reviewsprogress made on an energy and water planning studyconducted at Fort Bliss, Texas. The second and third describesplanning conducted at Fort Bragg, North Carolina and theJoint Region Marianas, Guam, respectively, under the updatedguidance from 2017 regarding energy and water resilience.Analysis methods, key metrics, and key infrastructure andoperational constraints are described, as well as technical,economic and business concepts used during the planningprocess.

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