• OR-20-C020 -- Numerical Enhancement Analyses of Refrigerator Vortex Tubes Cooling Performance

OR-20-C020 -- Numerical Enhancement Analyses of Refrigerator Vortex Tubes Cooling Performance

ASHRAE , 2020

Publisher: ASHRAE

File Format: PDF


The vortex tube is a special industrial and refrigerator device that uses pressurized air as a workingmedium. The pressurized air is injected tangentially to the tube forming a swirling motion so that two regions can beexists; one is warm and the other is cold. This process of air separating called energy separation that based on theRanque-Hilsch effect. Over years many hypotheses were proposed to demonstrate how this energy separation happens.However, the available hypotheses explained a part of the energy separation phenomena, but the nature of energyseparation is still not clear completely. Vortex tubes have become needed in cooling applications in welding and cuttingmachines, natural gas liquefaction and cooling vests, where essential features like compactness, safety, and lowequipment cost are required. To study and hence improve the vortex tube cooling performance, a three dimensionalsimulation of counter-flow vortex tube was computer-generated using Ansys CFD package. To obtain a flow solution inthe refrigerator vortex tube, the k- Turbulence Model is selected. Selection of k- turbulence model refers to that it isthe greatest well-matched turbulence model with the experimental results. Assessment of validation was attained using astandard vortex tube product simulation and compared to published experimental results. This paper aims to study theimpact of some important parameters variation on refrigerating performance. These parameters are injection jets profile,inlet nozzles number, inlet pressure, cold mass fraction (CMF) and divergence angle of the refrigerator vortex tube wasstudied and modified to give better cooling performance. This study results to enhance the cooling performance of therefrigerator vortical tube by altering the geometry and operating conditions what enhance the resulted temperatureseparation effect and coefficient of performance.

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