• Risk-Based Inspection-Development of Guidelines: Light Water Reactor Nuc Pwr Plant Component Vol 2 Pt 2

Risk-Based Inspection-Development of Guidelines: Light Water Reactor Nuc Pwr Plant Component Vol 2 Pt 2

ASME International , 01/01/1997

Publisher: ASME

File Format: PDF


This volume, fourth in the series, Risk-Based Inspection: Development Of Guidelines, is a companion to the previously published volume 2, Part 1. Volume 2 - Part 2, in addition to making a number of recommendations to Section XI of the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code (hereinafter referred to as the Code, or the BPVC), to industry, and to regulatory agencies, it: Describes and recommends a risk-based selection process for application to piping that is subjected to or has the potential to be subjected to the inservice inspection (ISI) requirements of Section XI of the Code; Provides information to support the implementation of risk-based inspection; Describes results of initial plant-specific pilot applications for the Surry-1 and Millstone-3 plants; Summarizes industry operating experience that can assist in the critical step of estimating component failure probabilities; Provides results from Structural Reliability/Risk Analyses (SRRA), which show how inspection strategies for high safety-significant components can de developed and how SRRA calculations can be used to estimate the expected effectiveness of alternative strategies toward reducing failure probabilities for a wide range of applications.

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