• RP-1650 -- Training Requirements for Sustainable High Performance Building Operations

RP-1650 -- Training Requirements for Sustainable High Performance Building Operations

ASHRAE , 2019

Publisher: ASHRAE

File Format: PDF


This report documents a study which investigatesthe training requirements for sustainable high-performance building operationsand maintenance (O&M). The project is conducted in three relatedparts.

Task 1: LiteratureReview
In the first part of the study, a literature review ofexisting high performance buildings (HPBs) was conducted to identify varioussystems and strategies that were most commonly implemented in thesebuildings.

Task 2:Survey
In the second part of the study, a survey of the facilitymanagers in the industry who are involved in the O&M of HPB operationswas conducted. The aim of this survey was to gain an insight into the knowledgeand skill requirements of the O&M staff to operate HPBs.

Task 3: Skill mapping for learningobjectives
The third part of the study utilizes the knowledge base thatwas identified to design learning objectives that underlie the specificcurriculum development for training requirements for high performance systemsand equipment operation.

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