• RP-1702 -- Assessing the Validity, Reliability, and Practicality of ASHRAE's Performance Measurement Protocol

RP-1702 -- Assessing the Validity, Reliability, and Practicality of ASHRAE's Performance Measurement Protocol

ASHRAE , 2018

Publisher: ASHRAE

File Format: PDF


The objective of the ASHRAE research project1702—Case Studies to Test Performance Measurement Protocols—is to provide abasis for updates to the 2010 ASHRAE Performance Measurement Protocols forCommercial Buildings (PMP) document using building case studies from theproject. In this ASHRAE research project, we conducted case studies for fivebuildings following the PMP. Based on experiences performing the protocol inthis wide range of buildings, we assessed the validity, reliability, andpracticality of the current ASHRAE PMP and provided comments andrecommendations based on this project experience. In the context of the PMPanalysis:

  • Validity is defined as the legitimacy ofmetrics and benchmarking criteria recommended by the PMP;
  • Reliability deals with the accuracy andrepeatability of the measurement methods;
  • Practicality concerns the cost,feasibility, and ease of measurement of the measurements required by thePMP.

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