• S27 -- Air-Heating Coils (I-P)

S27 -- Air-Heating Coils (I-P)

ASHRAE , 2024

Publisher: ASHRAE

File Format: PDF


Air-heating coils are used to heat air under forced convection. The total coil surface may consist of a single coil section or several coil sections assembled into a bank. The coils described in this chapter apply primarily to comfort heating and air conditioning using steam, hot water, refrigerant vapor heat reclaim (including heat pumps), and electricity. The choice between the various methods of heating depends greatly on the cost of the various available energy sources. For instance, in areas where electric power is cheaply available and heating requirements are limited, heat pumps are a very viable option. With available power and higher heat requirements, electric heat is used. If electric power is considerably expensive, steam or hot water generated using gas-fired sources is used in larger buildings and district cooling. In smaller buildings, heat is supplied using gas furnaces, which are covered in Chapters 33 and 34 of the 2024 ASHRAE Handbook -- HVAC Systems and Equipment. Water and steam heating are also widely used where process waste heat is available. Coil Construction and Design Coil Selection Installation Guidelines Coil Maintenance

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