• S35 -- Chimney, Vent, and Fireplace Systems (SI)

S35 -- Chimney, Vent, and Fireplace Systems (SI)

ASHRAE , 2024

Publisher: ASHRAE

File Format: PDF


A properly designed chimney or vent system provides and controls draft to convey flue gas from an appliance to the outdoors. This chapter describes the design of chimneys and vent systems that discharge flue gas from appliances and fireplace systems. Terminology Draft Operating Principles Chimney Functions Steady-State Chimney Design Equations Steady-State Chimney Design Graphical Solutions Vent and Chimney Capacity Calculation Examples Gas Appliance Venting Oil-Fired Appliance Venting Fireplace Chimneys Air Supply to Fuel-Burning Appliances Vent and Chimney Materials Vent and Chimney Accessories Draft Fans Terminations: Caps and Wind Effects Codes and Standards Conversion Factors Symbols

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