• Seminar 01 -- Updating Scientific Evidence about the Effects of Low Humidity on People

Seminar 01 -- Updating Scientific Evidence about the Effects of Low Humidity on People

ASHRAE , 2017

Publisher: ASHRAE

File Format: PDF


Humidity is often associated to negative concepts like mold and sicknesses related to high levels of moisture in indoor environments and this invariably leads to talks and solutions for reducing it tout court. But, is it really correct to reduce it with no minimum limit? This session sheds some light on the need of a minimum level of humidity for health, well-being and productivity.

  • RP–1630, "Update the Scientific Evidence for Specifying Lower Limit Relative Humidity Levels for Comfort, Health and IEQ in Occupied Spaces"
    Melanie Derby, Ph.D., Member, Kansas State University, Manhattan, KS
  • 40 Is the New 20, Balanced Air-Hydration for Health!
    Stephanie Taylor, M.D., Healthcare Acquired Infections Organization, Boston, MA
  • Limiting Criteria for Human Exposure to Low Humidity
    Pawel Wargocki, PhD, Technical University of Denmark, Kongens Lyngby, Denmark

Run Time: 60 mins.

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