• Seminar 03 - ASHRAE Conference Crash Course

Seminar 03 - ASHRAE Conference Crash Course

ASHRAE , 2018

Publisher: ASHRAE

File Format: PDF


Track: Fundamentals and Applications
Sponsor: Young Engineers in ASHRAE
Chair: Jake Kopocis, Member, Control Services, Inc, Omaha, NE

First time at an ASHRAE Conference? And an ASHRAE Meeting?? Been coming for years, but still confused? Attend thissession to learn how to make the best use of your time! This crash course provides an introduction to all the ASHRAEConference and Meeting activities, explains how you can get involved and allows you to ask questions to experienced attendees,such as "What is a TC? What is a Standing Committee? Who can attend what? What is the AHR Expo? And why is all of thisgoing on at the same time and in so many places?!"

1. The Ins and Outs of ASHRAE
Rachel Romero, P.E., Member, National Renewable Energy Laboratory, Golden, CO
Many of you may be familiar with ASHRAE at the Chapter level. This seminar covers the structure of Society from committees to councils and everything in between. We love our acronyms and when we’re done, you’ll finally know what they all mean and how you can get involved

2. Make the Most of Your Conference Experience
Vanessa Freidberg, Member, Siemens Building Technologies, Austin, TX
Now that you’ve got your bearings and know the difference between a TC and a TG, this seminar tells you about the softer side of ASHRAE. You’ll find out what social events you shouldn’t miss and how to make the most of your conference experience.

Presented: Sunday, January 21, 2018, 9:45-10:45 AM
Run Time: 60 min.

This is a zip file that consists of PowerPoint slides synchronized with the audio-recording of the speaker (recorded presentation), PDF files of the slides, and audio only (mp3) for each presentation.

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