• Seminar 10 - Building Energy Modeling for Power Grids and Energy Code Compliance

Seminar 10 - Building Energy Modeling for Power Grids and Energy Code Compliance

ASHRAE , 2018

Publisher: ASHRAE

File Format: PDF


Track: Modeling Throughout the Building Life Cycle
Sponsor: 4.7 Energy Calculations
Chair: Ralph Muehleisen, Ph.D., P.E., Member, Midwest Energy Efficiency Alliance, Chicago, IL

Building energy modeling is often used in building design, within building maintenance and operations, and when evaluatingretrofit opportunities. But did you know that building energy modeling is being used for estimating grid loads and power factorsat the campus level and the grid distribution level? And did you know that building energy modeling can be a key part ofbuilding energy code assessment? This seminar shows some great uses of building energy modeling beyond building design,operation and retrofit analysis.

1. Additional Electric Power Capacity without on-Site Generation Using Power Factor Correction
Bass Abushakra, Ph.D., Member, United States Military Academy, West Point, NY
A forgotten benefit of correcting the electric power factor is the release of system capacity in addition to avoiding low powerfactor penalties or lowering the kVAR charges in utility bills. This presentation starts with the fundamentals of the power factorcorrection and shows a case study of a facility where improving the PF by roughly 6% releases 0.7 MW of electric capacity thatdoesn't have to be generated on-site, doesn't have to be bought from the utility company, and partially solves a problem by buyingout time before the power lines feeding the facility exceed their normal rating limit.

2. Using Building Modeling to Determining Statewide Residential Energy Code Compliance: A Kentucky Case Study
Chris Burgess, AIA, Midwest Energy Efficiency Alliance, Chicago, IL
Building energy modeling is becoming increasingly prevalent in establishing energy code compliance. By discussing andreviewing a recently completed three-year, three phase DOE funded residential compliance improvement study in Kentucky, thispresentation shows how building energy modeling was instrumental to the success of the project.

3. Development of a Web-Based, Code Compliant 2015 IECC Residential Simulator for Texas
Jeff S. Haberl, Ph.D., BEMP, Fellow ASHRAE, Texas A&M University, College Station, TX
This seminar describes the development of a web-based, code-compliant 2015 IECC residential single-family simulation forTexas.The seminar describes the software and database platform used in the web application and how this software is attached tosome legacy software running on the cloud. Additional information is included about how a residence is dynamically updated bythe web-page, using a flexible yet fixed-schematic input file. This tool is currently in use by builders in Texas to check codecompliance of new residential single-family construction. It also calculates NOx, SOx and CO2 emissions reductions from theenergy savings of the proposed house.

Presented: Sunday, January 21, 2018, 1:30-3:00 PM
Run Time: 90 min.

This is a zip file that consists of PowerPoint slides synchronized with the audio-recording of the speaker (recorded presentation), PDF files of the slides, and audio only (mp3) for each presentation.

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