• Seminar 18 -- We’re Not Blowing Smoke: What You Need to Know About Wildfire Smoke

Seminar 18 -- We’re Not Blowing Smoke: What You Need to Know About Wildfire Smoke

ASHRAE , 2024

Publisher: ASHRAE

File Format: PDF


2024 ASHRAE Annual Conference

This product is a zip file that contains files that consist of PowerPoint slides synchronized with the audio-recording of the speaker, PDF files of the slides, and audio only (mp3 format) as noted.

In recent years, wildfire events have been increasing in frequency and intensity. These wildfires generate a wide range of contaminants, including particle matter and gases that greatly impact air quality. These contaminants impact the immediate areas but also travel great distances, especially the smallest particles. These small particles (PM2.5 and ultra-fine particles) are also the most detrimental to health. What's more, wildfire events happen quickly and often with little warning. This seminar series addresses the importance of not only understanding why wildfire smoke is dangerous, but how to protect building occupants and how to prepare a building in advance.

  1. Is Your Merv-13 Filter Protecting You from Wildfire Smoke? Sissi Liu, Metalmark Innovations, PBC
  2. The Components of Smoke and Guidance for Filtering It Out of the Air David Schaaf, Mann+Hummel, Mount Pleasant, SC
  3. No Preparation or Planning = No Protection; How to Prepare for a Smoke Event Michael Gallagher, PE, Fellow ASHRAE, Western Allied Corporation, La Habra Heights, CA
  4. Is Your Hospital Ready for the Next Wildfire? Abdel Darwich, PE, LEED AP, Guttmann and Blaevoet, Sacramento, CA

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