• Seminar 22 -- Engineer to Entrepreneur: Case Studies in Business Ownership

Seminar 22 -- Engineer to Entrepreneur: Case Studies in Business Ownership

ASHRAE , 2023

Publisher: ASHRAE

File Format: PDF


2023 ASHRAE Annual Conference

This product is a .zip file that contains files that consist of PowerPoint slides synchronized with the audio recording of the speaker, PDF files of the slides, and audio only (.mp3 format) as noted.

Have you ever thought about becoming a consultant or starting your own business? Being your own boss comes with a lot of benefits: you decide what work you do, where you work, and who you work with. But it’s not all upside; business owners are responsible for tasks they don’t necessarily enjoy or excel at, and ensuring a profitable business can be stressful. In this seminar, you’ll hear from ASHRAE members who are engineers turned business owners. You’ll hear why they started their business, lessons learned and answers to your questions about entrepreneurship and business ownership.

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