• Seminar 30 -- Current Topics in Humidity Control

Seminar 30 -- Current Topics in Humidity Control

ASHRAE , 2024

Publisher: ASHRAE

File Format: PDF


2024 ASHRAE Annual Conference

This product is a zip file that contains files that consist of PowerPoint slides synchronized with the audio-recording of the speaker, PDF files of the slides, and audio only (mp3 format) as noted.

It sounds elementary, but, as a Society, we are still trying to get a handle on humidity control. Psychrometrically, where and when do we need it? Mechanically, how do we accomplish it? Algorithmically, how do we regulate it? This session brings new thoughts on controlling humidification, and dehumidification and presents the thinking behind new dehumidification requirements in Standard 62.1.

  1. Humidifier Control Based on Dewpoint Rather Than RH Christopher Miller, PE, CEM, CxA, P2S inc, Long Beach, CA
  2. Indoor Dewpoint Limits in Standard 62.1 Elizabeth Balke, PE, Tesla, Oakland, CA
  3. Lessons Learned from Applying High-Performance Control Sequences in a Humid Midwest Climate JoeDon Breda, Managing Research Engineer, TRC, Grove City, OH

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