• Seminar 47 -- Effective Control of Active Chilled Beam Systems

Seminar 47 -- Effective Control of Active Chilled Beam Systems

ASHRAE , 2020

Publisher: ASHRAE

File Format: PDF


This product is a .zip file that contains files that consist of PowerPoint slides synchronized with the audio recording of the speaker, PDF files of the slides, and audio only (.mp3 format) as noted.

Active beam systems have become popular in North America as an energy efficient HVAC solution, utilizing tempered (56 to 59°F) chilled water delivered at or above the room dew point to accomplish most of the zone sensible cooling using dry cooling coils. This allows ducted airflow rates to be significantly reduced resulting in smaller air handling and distribution components. Application of these systems require control of both the air and water distribution systems at the zone level. The control and maintenance of acceptable space dew point levels is also required to avoid condensation on the cooling coils.

1. Overview of Active Beam Systems
Kenneth Loudermilk, P.E., Member, Titus, Plano, TX
2. Airside Control of Active Beam Systems
Hugh Crowther, Member, Swegon North America, Inc., Markham, ON, Canada
3. Water Side and Condensation Control of Active Beam Systems
Nick Searle, Member, Titus, Plano, TX

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