• Seminar 58 -- Case Studies on Occupant-centric Controls

Seminar 58 -- Case Studies on Occupant-centric Controls

ASHRAE , 2023

Publisher: ASHRAE

File Format: PDF


2023 ASHRAE Annual Conference

This product is a .zip file that contains files that consist of PowerPoint slides synchronized with the audio recording of the speaker, PDF files of the slides, and audio only (.mp3 format) as noted.

Occupancy and occupant preferences are diverse, and this diversity has been traditionally disregarded in operation with constant or steady-periodic setpoints and schedules. As a result, building services are delivered blindly without knowing how many people are in a building, where they are in the building, and what indoor climatic conditions they each prefer; which ultimately wastes energy, affects indoor environmental quality, and causes discomfort. Occupant-centric controls and operation (OCC) is an indoor climate management approach whereby occupant data are used to guide the sequence of operation. This seminar presents case studies involving the implementation of different forms of OCCs.

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