• Seminar 59--Considerations for Low Charge Ammonia Systems

Seminar 59--Considerations for Low Charge Ammonia Systems

ASHRAE , 2020

Publisher: ASHRAE

File Format: PDF


This product is a zip file that contains files that consist of PowerPoint slides synchronized with the audio-recording of the speaker, PDF files of the slides, and audio only (mp3 format) as noted.
Low charge ammonia systems have been attracting quite a bit of attention as they can efficiently use a natural refrigerant cost effectively. This seminar features presentations that discuss considerations for their application, including comparisons against DX ammonia and other system types; design methodologies and lessons learned from a retrofit project.
1. Design Applications of Low Charge Package Systems
John Gallaher, Guentner, US, Atlanta, GA
2. Use of Remote Distributed Units
Bruce Griffith, Frick Industrial Refrigeration, Waynesboro, PA
3. Advancements in Ammonia Chiller and Separator Designs
Grecia Ayala, Alfa Laval, Scarborough, ON, Canada
4. Low Charge Ammonia Retrofit Lessons Learned
Doug Scott, Member, VaCom Technologies, La Verne, CA

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