SSPC Guide 18

Specifier’s Guide for Determining Containment Class and Environmental Monitoring Strategies for Lead Paint Removal Projects

Society for Protective Coatings , 06/10/2022

Publisher: SSPC

File Format: PDF


This Guide describes a six-step process to assist in determining the type of containment system and the level of environmental monitoring that should be specified on a project-specific basis when removing coatings that contain lead. The selection of the containment and monitoring strategies is based on an assessment of the type of paint removal method that will be used and the potential impact of the operations on the public, other workers in the area, and the environment. Note that local and state codes and regulations must be reviewed and take precedence to any guidance provided in this document.

The guidance provided in this document also applies to coatings containing other hazardous metals such as cadmium and chromium; however, the recommended analytical monitoring is often based on an analysis for lead. Paint chip sampling and testing for lead and other hazardous metals should be undertaken to properly characterize the paint being removed.

This Guide does not cover the selection of paint removal methods, or design of containment/ventilation systems.

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SSPC Guide 18

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SSPC Guide 18

SSPC Guide 18

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