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ASHRAE , 2024
Publisher: ASHRAE
File Format: PDF
Thermal Guidelines for Data Processing Environments provides groundbreaking, vendor-neutral information that empowers data center designers, operators, and managers to better determine the impacts of varying design and operation parameters on information technology equipment (ITE).
This book covers six primary areas:
• Environmental guidelines for air-cooled equipment • New environmental class for high-density air-cooled equipment • Environmental guidelines for liquid-cooled equipment • Facility temperature and humidity measurement • Equipment placement and airflow patterns • Equipment manufacturers’ heat load and airflow requirement reporting
Since its first publication in 2004, Thermal Guidelines has enabled HVAC equipment manufacturers and installers, data center designers, and facility operators to find common solutions and standard practices that facilitate ITE interchangeability while preserving industry innovation. The fifth edition featured clarified wording throughout, changes due to research on the effects of high relative humidity and gaseous pollutants on the corrosion of ITE, and a new environmental class for high-density server equipment. This revised and expanded fifth edition also includes information on environmental Classes B and C that had been removed for the first printing of the fifth edition. (Descriptions of these classes have been added to Section 2.2.1 and the reference card, and rows of values for Classes B and C have been added to Table 2.1, the table on the reference card, and Table B.1. Figures L.8 and L.9 have also been added to show climatograms for Classes B and C.) The decision to reissue the fifth edition with this information included was made because ASHRAE Technical Committee (TC) 9.9 and ASHRAE Publications staff feel strongly that this is in the best interest of the users of the guidance available in Thermal Guidelines.
The book also includes a removable reference card with helpful information for facility managers and others. The reference card may also be accessed online.
This book is the first in the ASHRAE Datacom Series, authored by ASHRAE Technical Committee 9.9, Mission Critical Facilities, Data Centers, Technology Spaces and Electronic Equipment. The series provides comprehensive treatment of datacom cooling and related subjects.
$137.00 $274.44
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