• TIA ANSI/TIA-41.750-E


Part 750: Wireless Radiotelecommunications Intersystem Operations – SSF/CCF Call and Service Logic Model

Telecommunications Industry Association , 04/20/2004

Publisher: TIA

File Format: PDF




WIN call and service logic processing encompasses call and connection processing in the SSF/CCF, service logic execution in the SCF, and the use of supporting resources and data in the SRF and SDF, respectively. This section describes the WIN call and service logic processing in terms of call modeling and modeling of service logic processing.

• Call modeling provides a high-level service, vendor, and implementation independent abstraction of WIN call and connection processing in the SSF/CCF. This abstraction provides an observable view of SSF/CCF activities and resources to the SCF, enabling the SCF to interact with the SSF in the course of executing service logic.

• The modeling of service logic processing provides an abstraction of SCF activities needed to support this service logic execution, as well as an abstraction of SRF and SDF activities and resources accessible to the SCF.

Since this modeling only provides an observable (i.e., external) view of SSF/CCF, SCF, SRF and SDF activities and resources, this modeling does not imply an obligation to vendors to implement functional entities into products as a one-to-one mapping of functional entity model components. In particular, there is no requirement at this time to partition the SSF/CCF into separate SSF and CCF nor to identify which resources are located within the SSF or CCF.

TIA ANSI/TIA-41.750-E History



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