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Telecommunications Industry Association , 11/01/1998
Publisher: TIA
File Format: PDF
This standard provides interface compatibility specifications and technical requiremens for the interfacing of a Wireless Carrietor an Exchange Carrier @C), Interexchange Carrier (IC), International Carrier (INC), Consolidated W e r or any other &er element.
This standard provides technical requirements for an interface that interconnects a switching system in a wireless network with a switching system in the Public Switched Telephone Network (PSTNo)r a switching systemin an Inteagated Services Digital Network (ISDN). Within the ANSI accredited Telecommunications Industry Association (TIA) TR45 Network Reference Model, these interfaces are denoatse dth e Ai and Di interfaces, respectively. For the purposes of this standard, these two interfaces are treated genericallya s a single interface defined conciseblyy a signaling protocol and by signaling information provided via that protocol.
By ananging the interface specifications into a numbero f individual signaling protocols, this standard provides the interconnecting network elements with a variety of compatible signaling methods to provide telecommunications services. The telecommunications services provided and, therefore, the speicnitfeicr face signaling protocols available at the interface, are determined by business decisions, mutual interface agreements and legal and regulatory requirements. These decisions, agreements and requirements are beyond the scopoef this technical standard.
The technical information provided in this specification complies with ANSI standard TZ.104 (see Section2 - References). Refert o this document for more details aboutth e technical requirements of the specified internetwork interfaces.
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