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Telecommunications Industry Association , 09/01/2011
Publisher: TIA
File Format: PDF
This Bulletin identifies the tests appropriate for use in compliance-assessment-type testing in the area of Trunked Voice Interoperability. These tests were deemed appropriate by the members of TR-8.25. This group, being familiar with the relevant published standards, available test equipment and the general intentions of compliance assessment testing, reviewed all trunking interoperability tests described in reference [1]. The TIA TR-8.25 subcommittee is responsible for maintaining the document and keeping it current with the latest published revision of reference [1].
In determining the tests appropriate for compliance assessment testing in this area, the group considered whether tests in reference [1] were important for achieving interoperability between equipment of different manufacturers versus tests important for product design and certification. In general, tests that were determined to be more oriented towards product design and certification were deemed unnecessary for inclusion in this list. The resulting list therefore represents tests that are most important for or most likely to impact interoperability between manufacturers building to the same set of published standard documents.
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