• UL 2335

UL 2335

Fire Tests of Storage Pallets

Underwriters Laboratories , 07/28/2010

Publisher: UL

File Format: PDF


Please note: All interim revisions for this edition available at time of your purchase will be included.

Fire Tests of Storage Pallets

UL 2335

1 Scope

1.1 This standard includes test methods and requirements to investigate the fire growth performance of pallets in idle storage, and when storing commodities in palletized and rack storage arrangements, by sprinkler systems installed in accordance with the Standard for the Installation of Sprinkler Systems, NFPA 13.

1.2 Variations from the construction or conditions tested are capable of substantially changing the performance characteristics of the pallets.

1.3 This standard does not include test methods and requirements to investigate other performance characteristics such as:

a) Fire growth characteristics when pallets are not protected by sprinkler systems,

b) Risks associated with materials used in the pallet construction or the products of combustion and

c) Physical strength characteristics of the pallets including those during a fire condition.

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