• UL 60730-2-9

UL 60730-2-9

Standard for Automatic Electrical Controls for Household and Similar Use - Part 2-9: Particular Requirements for Temperature Sensing Controls

Underwriters Laboratories , 10/13/2010

Publisher: UL

File Format: PDF


Automatic Electrical Controls for Household and Similar Use - Part 2-9: Particular Requirements for Temperature Sensing Controls

UL 60730-2-9

1 Scope and normative references

This clause of part 1 is applicable except as follows:

1.1 Replacement:This part of IEC 60730 applies to automatic electrical temperature sensing controls for use in, on or in association with equipment for household and similar use, including electrical controls for heating, air-conditioning and similar applications. The equipment may use electricity, gas, oil, solid fuel, solar thermal energy, etc., or a combination thereof.

1.1.1 Replace the explanatory matter with the following new explanatory matter:Examples of such controls include boiler thermostats, fan controls, temperature limiters and thermal cut-outs.Throughout this standard, the word "equipment" includes "appliance" and "control system".

1.1.2 Replacement:This standard also applies to the electrical safety of temperature sensing controls with nonelectrical outputs such as refrigerant flow and gas controls.

1.1.3 Not applicable.Additional subclause:

1.1.101 This standard applies to single operation devices as defined in this standard.

1.1.101DV Modify text of 1.1.101 with the following:

This standard applies to single operation devices, thermostats for drip-type coffee makers, self-heating thermal protectors (SHTP) for recessed lighting fixtures, and Fan/Heat sequencers as defined in this standard.

1.5 Normative references

Addition:This subclause of part 1 is applicable except as follows:Addition:


IEC 60335 (all parts), Household and similar electrical appliances - Safety

IEC 60691:2002, Thermal links - Requirements and application guideAmendment 1 (2006)

IEC 60730-2-4, Automatic electrical controls for household and similar use - Part 2-4: Particular requirements for thermal motor protectors for motor-compressors of hermetic and semi-hermetic type-10 Subscription.

UL 60730-2-9 History

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