• UL 959

UL 959

Medium Heat Appliance Factory-Built Chimneys

Underwriters Laboratories , 01/01/2001

Publisher: UL

File Format: PDF


These requirements cover factory-built chimneys intended for venting gas, liquid, and solid-fuel-fired medium-heat type appliances in which the maximum continuous flue-gas temperatures do not exceed 1800F (980C).

Factory-built chimneys are intended for installation in accordance with the Standard for Chimneys, Fireplaces, Vents, and Solid-Fuel Burning Appliances, NFPA 211, and in accordance with codes such as the BOCA National Mechanical Code, the Standard Mechanical Code, and the Uniform Mechanical Code.

A product that contains features, characteristics, components, materials, or systems new or different from those covered by the requirements in this standard, and that involves a risk of fire or of electric shock or injury to persons shall be evaluated using appropriate additional component and end-product requirements to maintain the level of safety as originally anticipated by the intent of this standard. A product whose features, characteristics, components, materials, or systems conflict with specific requirements or provisions of this standard does not comply with this standard. Revision of requirements shall be proposed and adopted in conformance with the methods employed for development, revision, and implementation of this standard.

UL 959 History

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