• VC-20-003 -- A Review Training Programs for O&M of High-Performance Buildings

VC-20-003 -- A Review Training Programs for O&M of High-Performance Buildings

ASHRAE , 2020

Publisher: ASHRAE

File Format: PDF


This paper documents, in part, the study that was conductedfor the ASHRAE Research Project RP-1650, which investigatedthe training requirements for operations and maintenance(O&M) personnel for sustainable high-performance buildings(HPBs). This study identifies (through a literature review) thedifferent training programs that are available to building operatorsfor the O&M of high-performance systems and equipmentthat are typically implemented in HPBs. The intent of this paperis to illustrate current training opportunities available in theindustry for building operators. The paper also providescommentary and discussion on how these training programscontribute to the knowledge-skill-competencies (KSCs)required by building operators to optimally operate and maintainsystems and equipment implemented in HPBs. The paperconcludes that a large number and variety of training programsexist, which have different formats that suit the different requirementsand capabilities of O&M personnel. The study also foundthat the current focus of training material is component basedwith a strong emphasis on energy efficiency.

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