• VC-21-004 -- Defining, Measuring and Assigning Resilience Requirements to Electric and Thermal Energy Systems

VC-21-004 -- Defining, Measuring and Assigning Resilience Requirements to Electric and Thermal Energy Systems

ASHRAE , 2021

Publisher: ASHRAE

File Format: PDF


The resilience of the energy system impacts the primaryfunctionality of critical facilities, such as military installations,hospitals, and education campuses, during disruptions.Throughout the history of energy systems, major disruptions ofenergy supply (both electrical and thermal) have degradedcritical capabilities and caused significant social andeconomic impacts to private and public communities. Therefore,resilience must be an integral goal of the community-wideenergy master planning (EMP) process, and application ofenergy resilience principles is important during the design ofnew and the upgrade of existing energy systems. The integrationof resilience goals into the EMP process on the campuslevel is discussed in detail by Jeffers et al. (2020). Best practicesfor resilient electric and thermal energy systems favor theuse of installed energy sources rather than emergency generationfor short durations and promote the use of multiple anddiverse sources of energy, favoring energy resources originatingwithin the community (DOD 2020). Examples of best practicesof such systems implementation will be described in theplanned International Energy Agency Energy in Buildings andCommunities Programme (IEA EBC) Annex 73 case studiesbook (IEA n.d.).

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