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ASHRAE , 2021
Publisher: ASHRAE
File Format: PDF
This paper provides recommendations on thermal andmoisture parameters (air, temperature, and humidity content)in different types of buildings under normal and emergencyoperation conditions in extreme climate conditions, e.g., cold/arctic (U.S. Department of Energy [DOE] climate zones 6–8)and hot and humid (DOE climate zones 0–2a). Three scenariosare considered under normal operating conditions: when thebuilding/space is occupied, temporarily unoccupied (2–5days), and unoccupied long term (e.g., hibernated). Thesethermal parameters are necessary to achieve one or several ofthe following purposes:
• to perform required work in a building in a safe and efficientmanner, • to support processes housed in the building, and • to provide conditions required for a long-term integrityof the building and building materials.
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